Welcome to
Netball Wellington Centre
No Mama Brown Intermediate & College Competition games - 26 & 27 March
Find the best reference points in this one place & enjoy your most successful season yet!
Any questions or requests?
Email ndo@netballwellington.co.nz
Access a full range of Manager resources via our dedicated Managers page
Coach resources
Netball New Zealand have released a number of helpful resources outlining what to coach to specific age and skill levels. Click images or links below to access.
Tap into NetballShare - a suite of resources from Netball New Zealand full of helpful templates for coaches, managers, umpires, technical officials and club & school netball administrators.
For coaches of Year 1-8
Year 1&2 coaching resource
Pre-planned 10-weeks of fun engaging development activities for 5-6 year olds.
Year 3&4 coaching resource
Pre-planned 10-weeks of fun engaging development activities for 7-8 year olds.
Year 5&6 coaching resource
Pre-planned 10-weeks of fun engaging development activities for 9-10 year olds.
Year 7&8 coaching resource
Pre-planned 10-weeks of fun engaging development activities for 11-12 year olds.
Resources to make life easier...
Player rotation templates for Year 3-8
Need some help working out player rotations fairly? FREE templates for 5-a-side, 6-a-side, 7-a-side versions of the netball game.
AutoRoster - free position rotation app
Allows you to easily create playing roster for a single netball game, trial game-play, or for optimal player placement.
Download via Google Play
Download via Mac App Store
Netball Ninja - stats app
Record detailed game statistics from the sideline, barely taking your eyes off the game.
Download via Google Play
Boost - free netball stats app
Allows you to easily track individual & team performance statistics for greater learning.
Download via Google Play
Download via Mac App Store
Yo-Yo Test free audio mp3 download
Access the intermittent recovery test used in NZ as the standardised way to test netball player & umpire fitness. The test combines short intensive runs with brief recovery periods mirroring fitness required for netball.
World Netball Foundation coach resources
A series of FREE basic skill videos coaching cards & a coaching manual (in English, French & Spanish). Aimed at coaches with little to no coaching experience.
Sport Tutor online learning
Link to a FREE online learning portal endorsed by Netball NZ. Freely access a variety of templates, resources, webinars & test banks. Upskill at your own pace as suits your interest.
NetballSmart Resources
NetballSmart Website
Far more than just a warm-up... NetballSmart is dedicated to assisting all involved in netball to understand how to reduce the risk of injury by prioritising correct technique with strong movement to continue peak performance long term.
NetballSmart Resource List
One-stop access point for the many & varied FREE online NetballSmart resources.
Each resource linked in the pull-down section below.
NetballSmart Resource Guide
Who do these resources benefit?
Each resource linked below.
Free Workshops
Clubs & schools can benefit from hands-on practical guidance along with free take-home resources. View suggested topics or we can tailor to suit your interest - simply ask! Complete a request form or email NetballSmart@netballcentral.co.nz
NetballSmart Warm-Up variations
Demo - all warm-up activities (9.37 min)
Pre-Season Preparation
NetballSmart Preparation Programme
A 4-6 week programme of self-sufficient exercises designed to help players prepare themselves for netball. Designed with secondary school players in mind however with modification, can be useful for all levels.
NetballSmart Prep 'n' Play Programme
A 4-week programme to guide coaches into preparing their players for game play by developing great movement and netball skills that improve
performance & minimise injury. Suitable for all levels.
NetballSmart Home Based Programme
Running, biking & body weight circuits to help build fitness over a 4-6 week period with at least 30 minutes of exercise per day.
2 prescribed levels for umpires based on your current fitness level, available time & motivation.
Improve your fitness, movement capability + decrease injury risk PLUS embrace variety - circuits, interval running/cycling, core & stability. At least 30 minutes per day for best gains.
Transition from Warm-Up to Game
Tihs warm-up fits in every netball-appropriate activity so you're set to perform from the starting whistle. Takes 20-25 mins including drink breaks. Prepares bodies for the demands of the game while reducing risk of injury. Access 4-page NetballSmart Game Transitional Skills or click below images for each phase.
Game Transitional Skills
Sub Groups -
Shooters/Mid-court/Defence prep
Full Team Drill
Game-Like Activity
Landing Skills
Netball New Zealand video showcasing best practices for safe jumping and landing - a highly valuable yet often overlooked technical skill used frequently throughout training and games.
NetballSmart Landing Skills -
Level 1, 2 & 3
Completing 10 minutes of Landing Skills after a NetballSmart Dynamic Warm-Up or during skills & activity sessions helps reduce injuries and improve performance. There are three levels:
View activity demonstrations at NetballSmart Landing Skills video playlist
NetballSmart Landing Skills 1 & 2 summary
Level 1: Players may be at different levels of this programme at any one time so adjust it for individual members of the team.
Level 2: offers adaptions & alternatives for each player during the season.
SmartPlayer & SmartParent
NetballSmart SmartPlayer resource
At times it is challenging to make the right decisions for you and your sport. Netball NZ proudly developed this resource full of simple strategies and great ideas to support your secondary school netball journey including how to:
• Get fit, strong and stay healthy
• Reduce risk of serious injury
• Grow and extend your performance
• Set goals and challenge yourself to achieve them
• Enjoy netball to the fullest for a lifetime
• Gain practical off court tips to get the most out of trainings & prepare for games
NetballSmart SmartParent resource
Want to help your kids enjoy, perform and stay healthy this Netball season? SmartParent has been specifically designed for you with tips and strategies to help grow your child’s love for the sport whilst reducing their injury risk. Addresses how to manage physical workload, nutrition, and how puberty effect your child’s movement.
Designed to understand and support female player health and development. Provides education for players, coaches, support staff and whānau, to better understand female player health, empower the female player to manage their own health, and how to recognise signs in players who may need support. Key focus areas will be; changes throughout puberty and adolescence, the role of the menstrual cycle for health, the importance of nutrition and recovery and practical advice on supporting player health and performance.
Aims to educate players, coaches, support staff and whānau, to better understand female player health and how to recognise signs in players who may need support.
SmartHealth resources focus on six topics:
Return to Play (after Covid)
Framework to guide & support player, whānau and coach safely through return to play following illness. Bear in mind, the guide is very individual, cannot be rushed, and is a process.
NetballSmart - Six Principles summarised
Smart Tournament Tips
Smart Tournament - 10 Top Tips
Circuits & Body Weight + Core Workouts
Body Weight Strengthening Programme
Netball players need to have good core strength and limb control to jump, land and change direction. Strength helps develop the fundamental movement patterns required for netball, improving performance and reducing injury risk. This programme is designed for novice/young athletes to be performed 2-3 times per week. Minimal equipment required.
Core Control & Stability for Netball
Simple 30 min workout
Netball is a dynamic game involving extreme body movements. Controlling the core and ensuring stability on landing assists performance and helps reduce injury risk. Perform this programme 2-3 times a week.
For after trainings and games or part of a recovery session.
My Smart Roadmap
Designed to help players take responsibility for their own wellbeing and recovery to ensure they are keeping a good training/life balance. In each section check in on yourself by marking either a 1, 2, or 3.
Pool Recovery
For reducing muscle tension and post exercise oedema (swelling).
NetballSmart Community Concussion Guidelines
Player’s welfare and wellbeing is always a priority. With this in mind, Netball NZ launched their NetballSmart Concussion Guidelines. This is a great resource and we encourage all coaches and administrators to read through these guidelines. While the incidence of a concussion in Netball is low, it is increasing and it is all our responsibility to protect players.
NetballSmart Concussion Management Guide
Netball New Zealand has developed Community Concussion Guidelines and resources to help direct actions, responses and treatment of concussion. While the incidence of a concussion in Netball is low, it is increasing and these guidelines are important to protect the wellbeing and welfare of our players. Concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). The highest volume of concussion occurs among those aged 10-19 years old. Concussion (and player wellbeing and welfare in general) is everyone's responsibility. Players, parents, coaches and officials need to act in the best interests of the player by taking responsibility for referring and removing, recognising to a medical doctor any player who is suspected to have sustained a concussion.
NetballSmart Concussion on Court - Top Tips to Keep Your Head in the Game!
6 Rs...
Click image or link above to access resource.
Smart Ankle
Strapping & Ankle Injury Prevention
Why are ankle injuries common in netball?
What is an ankle sprain?
How can we prevent them?
This resource details everything you need to know about how to keep our feet safe, treating injury, putting throught into shoe purchase and lacing and what should go in your first aid kit.
Blisters are so common that we often do not take them seriously enough! Netball feet get a hammering, especially during camps, weeklong tournaments and other high load periods. This resource outlines five ways to help ease the load on your feet:
1: Simple ways to help reduce friction
2: Reduce Bone movement
3: Shoe Fit & Lacing
4: Use of Tape & Paddings
5: Other things to consider
Taping & Bracing
After a significant ankle sprain, the ligament will be stretched and heal with scar tissue. Therefore, it is no longer as effective at protecting the ankle from extremes of movement that cause injury. Wearing a brace or tape will help prevent the ankle from moving into such extremes of movement.
Netball Shoes
A Netball shoe is designed to support the foot for 100% of the game; during quick movements, side-ways movements, stopping, starting, pivoting, planting, cutting and landings. A running shoe supports the foot during forward movement only. The average Netball player only moves in a forward direction for 28% of the game.
A step-by-step picture guide on how to recreate the best strapping technique to support your ankles to the maximum.
10 Top Prevention Tips
1. Ankle Exercises
2. Tape or Brace
3. Warm Up
4. Shoes
5. Act on Ankle Sprains
6. Find a Physio
7. Graduated Return To Sport
8. Train Netball Landings
9. Train Reactive Footwork
10. Sleep
Shoe Lacing
Check out 8 different shoe lace techniques for:
Foot Bump
Wide Feet
Black Toenail
0:09 wide feet
1:11 high arches
2:20 bunions
3:15 second toe longer (Morton's Toe)
4:55 narrow heels/ankles
Bronco Testing
Netball is an endurace power-based sport. This means that players rely on both aerobic (oxygen reliant) and anaerobic fitness in the duration of the game. Fitness testing helps both players and coaches understand what the team is capable of.
Why test? Mistakes happen when players fatigue. Fitness testing can help you as a coach to understand how to train and play your players in a way that improves performance and minimises the risk of injury. View 2 page Bronco Testing resource or click images for each phase.
An evidence-based philosophy endorsed by Sport New Zealand/Ihi Aotearoa in support of quality sport experiences for all young people, regardless of ability, needs and motivations. It is about young people staying involved in sport for life and realising their potential at the right time.
Information tailored for coaches, parents, athletes, sport leaders & administrators, women & girls
Webinars covering a broad range of topics available to access/view via the Balance is Better website
Supporting young women to be active the way they choose. The needs of young women are unique and different when it comes to sport and recreation. Factors like time pressure and lack of confidence mean they gradually participate less and drop out of structured activity at a faster rate than young men. So how do we support them in leading healthy, active lives? It starts by understanding what matters to them. Information for girls, parents and leaders alike.
Access free online workouts & podcasts
Sign up to receive free toolkit resource
#ITSMYMOVE joined forces with NETFIT NZ in 2023 to provide a bunch of workout videos, podcasts and movement hacks - access digital content here.
Whether you move for fun, for friendship or to kick your team goals – explore new ways to move with them!
Find out how activity can better suit the needs of young women... steps outlined below
Netball New Zealand are excited to launch the Community Coaching Strategy, which has been developed in consultation with key people from all parts of our Netball system. Important reference document for coaches of players, umpire coaches, coach developers & trainers, coaching administrators in Zones and Centres.
Searching for activities for individuals to keen to sharpen their netball skills in their own time and space? Gone are the days where you need a partner to help expand your skillset as English netballer Sasha Corbin will show you in her series of Solo Sessions on YouTube... use a make-shift ladder, wall, skipping rope and creating fun netball dance challenges in the process!
Also includes a series for post-surgery ACL rehabilitation activities.
Seeking a strength and conditioning option that can be enjoyed in the comfort of your own home? For a bit of added variety, Maddie Lymburner creates motivational one-song-long fitness workouts providing a fun, easy-to-follow dance fitness challenge to currently popular songs with no equipment needed. Her MadFit YouTube channel also provides a variety of workouts that add a little fun including 15-20 minute workouts that target specific areas such as legs, abs, arms, full body and also gentle stretch routines.
Wayne Goldsmith has worked with everyone from the All Blacks to Olympian Michael Phelps and is on a mission to help coaches become the coach they dream of becoming. He's big on keeping young athletes stay in sport by making coaching more engaging, inspiring, and connecting. His messages resonate with coaches, teachers, sports administrators, club officials and parents alike. Check him out for more than a little food for thought.
The role of a coach in an athlete’s life is a complicated one. You might serve as instructor, teacher, motivator, disciplinarian, substitute parent, social worker, friend, manager, therapist, and even fundraiser. In addition to the many hats you may wear, you are expected to have an in-depth knowledge of the sport you are coaching, the rules of the game, and the techniques needed to play the sport. You may even need to understand basic kinesiology, sport psychology, nutrition, and first aid. Maximise your athlete’s potential both on and off the field with TrueSport Coach resources covering topics such as Sportmanship, Character Building & Life Skills, Clean & Healthy Performance.
Play by the Rules online training is for everyone involved in sport and recreation organisations, including: coaches, administrators, officials, players, parents and spectators. They offer free courses on some of the most important topics in sport, including: child protection, harassment and discrimination, complaint handling, inclusive coaching, creating an LGBTQ+ inclusive club along with mini courses such as Parents' guide to clean sport, Let Kids be Kids, Intro to the integrity of sport, ethics and ethical decision-making in sport and putting integrity into action. Courses are short, user-friendly and feature the latest interactive technology, including case studies, practical scenarios and a quiz. The modules may be done in part, or all at once.
04 387 6002
Postal Address
PO Box 14 430 Kilbirnie
Wellington 6241