Welcome to
Netball Wellington Centre
Volunteer and Event Management
We are grateful for the content provided below sourced from a variety of contributors including Netball New Zealand & Nuku Ora, Aktive, and Sport NZ/Ihi Aotearoa.
Netball New Zealand Volunteer Resources
Explore volunteers' motivations, volunteer coordinators and planning a management programme.
A volunteer is someone who donates their time to the club without expectation of a payment. Volunteers come from all age groups, educational backgrounds, income levels, genders and types of employment.
They become volunteers for a variety of reasons. Basic motivations that are often cited include:
- Why do People Volunteer?
- Why do you need a Volunteer Coordinator?
- Why do you need a Volunteer Plan?
Please access the Volunteer Management document (right hand side) for more information.
Volunteers are key to the sucess of any sporting organisation whether it be a Centre, Satellites, Clubs or Schools. Without our volunteers, sport would not be accessible to everyone, there would be a lot more health issues mentally and physically, and the fun factor that Netball brings to the game and to our people would be sorely missed.
Planning, promoting and evaluating events.
Events are a fantastic way to promote your club in the community. They are a great opportunity to get people involved and have fun at the same time. Most of the work for an event is in the planning.
Planning is about deciding what kind of event your club wants and making it happen. This planning can be carried out in four stages: planning, preparation, presentation and evaluation. The following action points will help:
- Planning your event
- Prepare for your event
- Event checklist
- Managing Volunteers
- Marketing
- Event presentation and evaluation
Please access the Event Management and Event Checklist documents (right hand side) for more information.
Nuku Ora Volunteer Resources
Acknowledging Volunteers
People often volunteer because they want to make a difference. By understanding that difference you can tell a story which becomes a powerful and meaningful acknowledgement of their volunteer work.
Best practice now tells us that volunteers like to hear what impact they have made – on people, the organization and the sport. Numbers of hours and length of service are part of the picture, but nowhere near all.
What is vital to keeping volunteers is expressing to them the difference they have made through their work. By telling a story about it, you’ll not only be showing your volunteers how they are appreciated, which will lead to better retention, but you’ll also be able to use these stories in your recruitment.
The video below is an in-depth story about the journey of Netball Wellington Centre and P.I.C. Netball Club's very own long-time volunteer Bubs Reweti.
Make use of the following Nuku Ora links to access valuable ideas for the following areas of sourcing volunteers.
Aktive Volunteer Resource
Finding and looking after the people who are key to the survival of your club is often one of our greatest challenges which is why Aktive have assembed a Volunteer Management Toolkit.
Without volunteers, sport wouldn't happen. In fact, it'shighly likely that if you’re reading this document you are avolunteer yourself. It's people who influence the quality ofour sport and recreation experiences so it’s essential that the people are looked after. We want everyone to reap the value and benefits that can be enjoyed through sport including our volunteers.Volunteers choose to contribute time, skills and experience,for no payment, to benefit their community. This document should help you find and hold on to these amazing people who help your organisation thrive.
04 387 6002
Postal Address
PO Box 14 430 Kilbirnie
Wellington 6241