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Netball Wellington Centre

No Mama Brown Intermediate & College Competition games - 26 & 27 March

Satellites: Year 7&8 Player Development Programme (PDP)

Calling all Year 7 & 8 players!
Here's a fantastic accelerated opportunity to improve your netball skills!

Gone are the days of Year 7&8 rep teams (disbanded in 2018)... now we're excited to throw the doors open to welcome a wide array of girls & boys of any skill level to attend a Player Development Programme (PDP).

Player development opportunity

The PDP is a specially compiled programme endorsed by Netball New Zealand jam-packed full of up to five weeks of technical and tactical elements of netball, athlete development (sleep, nutrition, social media) and fundamental movement skills. This programme provides more opportunities for more players to participate and development to develop a life long love of netball.  It's fun and engaging plus a great chance to make new friends along the way.

Netball New Zealand have established two themes suited to this particular age group which alternate each year so content is not repeated - attend in Year 7 + Year and continue adding to your skillset!
2024 theme: Space
2025 theme: Gaining Possession

To top it off participants from all three satellites get to put their skills into practice at a FunFest game day held at Hataitai Netball Courts for a grand PDP finale.

Find contacts for each of our three Wellington Satellites below...

Motu Kairangi Netball (Eastern Suburbs)
2024 Year 7&8 PDP details

Sunday 28 April
Sunday 5 May
Saturday 12 May
Saturday 19 May - FunFest at Hataitai Netball Courts.  FunFest rain day Sunday 26 May.
Time: 1pm to 3pm
Venue: Evans Bay Intermediate School Netball Courts
Cost: TBC per participant paid to Motu Kairangi Netball
Registration required prior to start of programme. 
​​​​​​​Attendee numbers may be capped to ensure quality.
Contact mkseniornetball@gmail.com to enquire further or express interest as a coach.
Visit Motu Kairangi Netball website for more information

Northern Suburbs Netball
2024 Year 7&8 PDP details

Sunday 28 April
Sunday 5 May
Saturday 12 May
Saturday 19 May - FunFest at Hataitai Netball Courts.  FunFest rain day Sunday 26 May.
Time: 1.30pm-3.30pm
Venue: Newlands College Netball Courts
Cost: TBC per participant paid to Northern Netball Suburbs
Registration required prior to start of programme. 
​​​​​​​Attendee numbers may be capped to ensure quality.
Contact pdp@nsnetball.co.nz to enquire further or express interest as a coach.
Visit Northern Suburbs Netball website for more detail

Wellington West Netball
2024 Year 7&8 PDP details

Sunday 28 April
Sunday 5 May
Saturday 12 May
Saturday 19 May - FunFest at Hataitai Netball Courts. FunFest rain day Sunday 26 May.
Time: 1.30pm to 3.30pm
Venue: Cardinal McKeefry School
Cost: TBC per participant paid to Wellington West Netball
Registration required prior to start of programme. 
​​​​​​​Attendee numbers may be capped to ensure quality.
Contact wwnpdpcoordinator@gmail.com to enquire further or express interest as a coach.
Visit Wellington West Netball website for more detail​​​​​​​

    Coach development opportunity

    What's more, the PDP programme is also a highly beneficial opportunity for coaches interested in expanding their own skillset. Join in the programme & gain more practical experience, grow your skills in a supportive environment with free training and session plans provided plus pick up new ideas for your future trainings and team development. Payment is an added bonus while you grow your skills as a coach. If keen to benefit please register or get in touch with your local Satellite via the contact details provided below - they'd love to hear from you!

    Kiwi/Adult Whistler umpire development opportunity

    A third development opportunity within the Player Development Programme is the chance for Kiwi Whistlers to come together and put their knowledge into further practical use during the FunFest game day. With up to five games (shorter halves) played per team throughout the day, there is time for plenty of practice blowing the whistle with confidence and for umpire mentors and coaches to observe and practice providing feedback. Wins for all involved!​​​​​​

    Find out more about the research behind this change in the Year 7&8 space in line with embracing a "Balance Is Better" philosophy here

    Check out this video to see the Year 7&8 PDP in action within our Wellington area...