Welcome to
Netball Wellington Centre

No Mama Brown Intermediate & College Competition games - 26 & 27 March

 Club Exec Job Descriptions

Job Descriptions (JDs) are important so that people know and understand what is expected of them and the skills they would need to have to be successful in the role they are taking on.

Also having JDs makes it easier to fill the roles because sometimes we scare people with the information we provide when trying to sell the role to our amazing volunteers.
​​​​​​​Simple is best.  The JD should sell the role on its own.

The below JDs are Word document templates and can be changed to fit your needs but as mentioned above don't over complicate then or provide every small detail.

Free self-paced online learning via Sport Tutor

Sport Tutor is a learning and development portal providing FREE self-guided modules for anyone to complete at your own pace. ​​​​​​​
Sign-up is FREE.
Access Sport Tutor portal here.  
​​​​​​​Access Sport Tutor - How To Guide here

Sport Tutor online learning is designed for anyone involved in netball including coaches, umpires, managers, players, parents and volunteers and is a great access point for free online workshops and resources including topics below:

Sport NZ/Ihi Aotearoa content:​​​​​​​​​​​​

  • Governance 101
    Learn the fundamentals of governance, which can be applied to any organisation and are particularly relevant to not-for-profits. This programme is based on the sport and recreation governance framework and uses the resources available on the Sport New Zealand website.
  • Health & Safety Governance
    Sport NZ, High Performance Sport NZ, and Worksafe NZ deliver a series of three interactive H&S sessions, using experts and experienced sport administrators and governors to progressively unpack various aspects of H&S.The three online sessions aim to help provide members of our sector, particularly Chairs of National Sporting Organisations and Regional Sports Trusts, to better understand the basics of New Zealand’s legal health & safety framework, the legal obligations of ‘officers’ of NSOs and RSTs, and the opportunity to develop health & safety leadership mindsets which go well beyond legal compliance and which go the culture of an organisation.
  • How to Appoint Exceptional Board Members
    For Board Chairs, CEOs, Board administrators and appointment panel members, Governance practitioners and anyone interested in appointing board members in the not for profit sector. This presentation provides an engaging balance of contemporary governance insights with practical advice: appointing for tomorrow, not today; attracting diverse candidates; running an effective board appointment process; differing approaches to elected versus appointed members; leveraging Sport NZ’s resources
  • Is Your Board Appealing to Women
    For Board Chairs, CEOs, Board administrators and appointment panel members, Governance practitioners and anyone interested in appointing board members in the not for profit sector. Sport, play and active recreation organisations often have difficulty attracting women to their boards.Based on the perspectives of over 200 women, our webinar panel will discuss 10 key Insights on the best way to engage female talent with your board; women’s perceptions of sport sector boards in general; what women believe are the barriers to board participation; what would make women more likely to apply for your board role; and practical steps you can take to appoint great female board members
  • Business Continuity Planning
    This webinar recording and tools provides tips on: the overview of the key elements of a practical, easy to implement Business Continuity plan, basic planning principles, 
  • key considerations for people (staff, volunteers, participants), supply chain, essential equipment, communication and data/information management (including security and privacy), working remotely – some considerations and risks, planning for the short, medium and longer term
  • Leadership Development in the Sport and Recreation Sector
    Everyone who works or volunteers in the sector can be a leader - including you. Leadership is about the behaviours and tasks you do every day. Find out how you can build your personal leadership capability, create high performing teams and deliver on your aspirational goals and outcomes for your communities.​​​​​​​
  • Child safeguarding bite-sized learning series
    How can you play your part to create a safe, positive environment for young people taking part in active recreation and sport? This series of bite-sized learning is aimed at anyone working with or supporting children and will help you understand topics such as motivations of children, building trusted relationships and understanding the different needs for ages and stages of development.
  • Inclusion: A Response to Discrimination
    Aims to help you understand what an inclusive, supportive and safe environment looks like and the impact of your actions on people. You will explore ways that you can support others who may face discrimination in the sector.
  • Sport Safe
    For all paid and volunteer workers in the sport and recreation sector. Takes approximately 20-40 minutes to complete depending on your prior knowledge and experience.After completing this course you will be able to: identify who is responsible for what when it comes to health and safety, identify what your rights are as a paid or volunteer worker, describe some of the systems and processes that are used to keep everyone safe and having fun, identify and manage hazards​​​​​​​

In addition to Netball New Zealand content users may also access a library of additional online learning once registered. 
Other sporting organisations using the same platform include Sport NZ/Ihi Aotearoa, Touch NZ, NZ Rugby League and Special Olympics with more getting involved over time.